Child of Mine wants to ensure that each graduate receives the opportunity to get a post-secondary education so they can go on to impact India.



In a swiftly developing nation like India, where a strong emphasis is placed on post-secondary education as a means to success, competition is high. Child of Mine is committed to sourcing funding for this level of education for students from the homes enrolled in college-level programs.

 The students prepare for the program in class 10 as they make education choices and determine a suitable occupation path. In class 11 and 12 they are led in courses and workshops in career planning, life choices, finance, and spiritual growth.

Grads are encouraged by the homes to get involved in a local church, seek volunteer opportunities, and take up leadership positions in order to develop deep connections in their new community.


Average Cost per student in 2023-2024:


Average Cost Per Student in 2022-2023- $2071.00 (breakdown below)

Tuition for one year: $723.00

Room and Board for one year: $1160.00

Exam Fees for one year: $32

Supplies for one year (Mattress, Sheets, Books, Toiletries, Stationary, Uniforms, Travel): $255.00


Grad Stories from the homes