Support the New Kitchen and Dining Hall at the Children’s Home

The southern of the two homes is in urgent need of a new kitchen and dining hall. This is not just a physical structure but a place where everyone can come together and eat as one family once again! Your immediate support is crucial to make this a reality.

Since spring 2022, the kitchen at one of the homes has been operating out of a temporary setup in the old boys' dorm. This old dorm is one of the original cow dung and mud plaster buildings, constructed over 100 years ago by the leprosy colony that resided on the home's property before their establishment in 1989. While we knew this shift would only be a temporary solution, the move was necessary due to the increased presence and growth of dangerous cracks in the walls of the previous kitchen. (Pictured below)

We have been grateful for this temporary space over the past two years. However, a more permanent solution is needed. The leaking roof is one of the most significant concerns (top photo), especially during the rainy monsoon season. Not only does the leaking roof make preparation uncomfortable and challenging, but it also leads to mold growth, creating an unhealthy environment. Additionally, the conditions of the dining area are very cramp and not at all ideal, meaning meals need to be served in separate locations—girls have their meals transported by bicycle to their dorm, while boys eat in the small dark dining hall adjacent to the kitchen and staff cook and eat in yet another location altogether.

In faith, we have already started building a new kitchen and dining hall on the second floor of an existing building that currently houses staff and alumni over 18! However, additional funding is needed to complete this essential project. Your generous support will help us finish creating a safe and welcoming space where everyone can gather, share meals, and grow together as a family rooted in Christ's love, significantly improving the living conditions at the home.


How you can help

Join us in creating a safe and welcoming kitchen and dining space where everyone can gather, share meals, and grow together as a family rooted in love. 100% of all donations made to this campaign will go directly towards essential facility improvements at the home.


Original Kitchen

Became unusable due to dangerous cracks which formed in the building.


Current Temporary Kitchen

In an old cow dung building which has a leaking roof which makes for serious health concerns.


New Kitchen & Dining Hall In-Progress!