Secure Reliable Water for the Children’s Home

Every year, the dry season brings repeated and ongoing water challenges to the southern of the two children’s homes. This spring, the combination of extreme heat and prolonged dry conditions resulted in severe water shortages yet again. But this year has been particularly devastating, with drought conditions across North India causing the water table to drop so low that water deliveries by tanker were nearly impossible.

The impact on the home's staff and children has been significant. With the limited water supply, every drop had to be rationed, affecting basic daily activities like cleaning, hygiene, flushing toilets, washing, and bathing. The lack of water has also meant no planting of gardens, fruit trees, or flower pots, which are normally a part of the home's activities and a source of food.

Adding to the challenges, the wild jungle surrounding the home becomes dangerously dry during the arid season, significantly increasing the threat of forest fires. This year, a dangerous fire reached the home's campus, and staff had to fight it with almost no water in reserve. The situation was terrifying, and although a fire prevention system had been installed only a few years ago, it could not be used due to the lack of water.

Eventually, monsoon rains brought relief, but they are only a temporary solution until the next dry season. In the past, Child of Mine and KCS School have taken significant steps to address these issues by building and repairing water tanks, digging a bore well, and installing a fire prevention system. Unfortunately, the current bore well no longer provides sufficient water due to the lowered water table and cannot be dug any deeper.

To address these challenges and secure a reliable water source for the future, the SNCH Home needs your support to:

  • Dig a second bore well to access water at a deeper level and provide a more reliable supply.

  • Install a water softener to prevent damage to equipment caused by the hard water, ensuring the home's resources last longer.

  • Improve water harvesting and storage systems to better manage and utilize the available water.

These actions are not just improvements; they are essential for ensuring a safe, stable, and healthy environment for the children and staff at the home. Your support can help us make these critical changes.


How you can help

Your support is crucial in helping us tackle the ongoing water challenges at the home. Donate today, and 100% of all donations made to this campaign will go directly towards essential facility improvements at the home! Together, we can ensure that the home is prepared to face future water shortages and continue providing children with a safe and healthy environment.

Thank you for your generosity and partnership in this mission.


2024 Fire


Current Water Filtration System


Bore well and water reservoir tank repairs

(March 2024. Completed before fires came in May)