New Family Members!

The family is growing! The home was able to welcome six new members to the family because of your generous support. The children ranging in age from 6-11 are from various situations where the family was not in a position to look after the child.

The Directors of the Homes, go through a discernment process before welcoming a new child into the home. Part of the process is to get to know the family's difficult situation. (In most cases one or both of the parents are gone.) At times there is a waitlist and families are desperate for their child to be taken in. What is special about the homes is the value of family and the importance of the children to maintain relationship with their family, if possible. Most children go home for winter and summer holidays. For those children who stay at the homes, they get to engage in fun activities to create special memories over the holidays.

The Directors and the staff serve the children of the homes whole-heartedly and give selflessly to make sure the children are taken care of. Without the homes and the staff who run them, the 130 children who live at the homes and the 30 who are away attending post secondary education would not have the opportunity to live a fruitful life.